티스토리 뷰

It totaled to 42.3%, 10.0% wrong side). Do not know, no response was 2.7%, up 0.2 percentage points. Variation in positive and negative evaluation rating is narrowed to 7.3% of the number of digits in the last week, 14.7%. Presidential statement of national approval rating was up until last Monday, the 14th country after the surprise resignation of the former Minister of Justice shares equivalent to the width of the week early and mid ohreumyeo provisional aggregate (14 to 16) 45.5% (51.6% negative assessment).

0.1 percentage points, down 1.6%, we recorded the Republicans fell 1.4%, 0.1 percentage points, respectively. Summary and detailed survey results are referring to the real meter Central Election Committee polls homepage. kong79@yna.co.kr doetda 26% Door presidential poll after the election invalid doetda 39% Today Gallup poll results released Jeolla Gwangju million only country declined from 38% nationwide wherever I go doetda country declined well the overwhelming reality is this wrong the former President Park Geun-hye's approval rating

20, with party-free hangukdang-ladybird layer ratio October 02 ju gallop 41% -10% -36% / R used 34.1% -29.7% -17.4% 10 03 ju gallop 39% -11% -34% / R four from 38.2 to 29.0% -17.0% *, with Democrats age 30 - freedom hangukdang two weeks Gallup approval rating in October 50% -13% -23% / R% -13.4 four from 42.4 to 27.0 percent in October Gallup 3 weeks 43% -15% -27%

Itneungeo as something like a shed that layer group Reggie accept I stroked indifferent to politics. Often called middle layer referred to are thinking more Do you have a real problem ... I see the situation as it exits it said that the hate is sick of the same said ... anyway ... I Fatherland Minister and Democratic party presidential actively respond to even a little differently than before ... and I hope you'll have good too joteunge move on to phase two the way

I replied. This time, he replied, asked to creationists. "You certainly one living work of a famous gardener in a nearby village. There neatly planted beautifully landscaped trees and roses are not possible without touching someone's hand. And in the middle of the garden

Favorable was 43%, bihogam degree of 46%. Following'm sewotdago week also record lows last week, even in the (other surveys, see Main Central Election Committee opinion) Real polls made by institutions that have the lowest prices make today's announcement meters. For more than two decades in Gallup eojun the three survey methods applied to violations meter and broke applied to 50 cases for only a few years. just

Moon was the president's national approval rating of 48%. At the time of evaluation is negative in 41%, the positive evaluation were seven percentage points. As a former minister Joe surge in August four weeks after irradiation it was reversed positive (45%) and negative (49%). As the trend continues this week irradiation (15 to 17 days, more than 1,004 people across the country men and women 19 years of age,

After 'irrespective of the Civil football' debate, "tell Leo harassment 'controversial' canon Sim Professor hospital certificate 'controversial prosecution of the' fast-track collision Capitol Broadcasting seizure and search-related reports such as this yieojyeotdeon weeks late (18 one day counting), the 44.2% was slightly down to (negative evaluation 53.4%). By ideological tendencies positive assessment from jinbocheung (74.1% → 76.5%, 2.4% point ↑) has increased to 70% for the latter. Conservatives (↓ 82.0% → 80.9%, 1.1% points), but the negative evaluation is little decline 3 weeks

The man asked evolutionists. "How can a beautiful garden exists here?" Evolutionist "Probably one accidentally fell on the very distant past seeds are here. The seed was fortunate tui buds in a barren land will could result in a beautiful garden in the back for a long time now, later, "said

→ October 01 ju 42% → 10 February ju 43% → 10 03 ju 39% - R used: September 3 weeks 45.2% → September 04 ju 47.3% → 10 January ju 44.4% → 10 February ju 41.4% →
