티스토리 뷰

Etc., for the purpose of planning to go out to play a few times, but is not thought to travel in Japan, Yokohama dont even in Okinawa is not going to go !! Last train departs ~ ㅠㅠ country that very well. Japan squeeze in and out of politics and go into the mountains ... Hokkaido in October 韓 flight passengers is 56% ↓ 36% ↓ 韓 guest Kagoshima 64.7% in September last year, the earthquake that occurred in Hokkaido in September ↓

While it entered the runway. Thus went the Japan Transocean Air passenger plane has already received permission to land up increasing altitude have come back down to the front of the runway 3.7㎞, there was a commotion about 20 minutes trying to land again. The accident injured a person or thing is reportedly not. According to the Asiana Airlines pilots "had entered the runway without following the instructions of the control tower," he told the listening survey company

People between 50 ttajim gonna hit one to rate it as one million people gathered do I feel awful big. Choice was unfortunate individual liberty rajiman super typhoon 'services to "avoid going peninsula ..." hit Tokyo "continental high atmospheric pressure, air pressure difference in the North Pacific anticyclone, thanks to the peninsula where the main attention ... to the wind late southern tip of Kyushu and Okinawa → China in any way It will swallow us? Jayang-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Gwangjin _ _ Chinatown Chinatown Singil-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Daerim-dong _ _ Chinatown Garibong-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu / Guro Chinatown. (Accepting the Han Chinese) _ collar doksan-dong, Gwanak-gu, Bongcheon-dong _ Chinatown Chinatown Chinatown Heukseok-dong, Gwanak-gu _ _ _ Chinatown Myeongnyun-dong, Jongno-gu, Ilsan Yeonhui-dong _ Chinatown Chinatown

This place is goesomun that Koreans or Koreans residing in Japan and arson spread on the Japanese SNS (social network service). One day there are articles containing the claims of the SNS and the online community, including Japan, Twitter and posting one after another, according to the Okinawa Times. Some among Japanese netizens "who did the Koreans in Japan", "led is not hate speech based fire protection" and by the Chinese and Koreans. With Japan Shuri Castle (首 里 城) goesomun fire has been spreading on the SNS in Japan that Koreans arson. / Photo = Twitter to capture you actually enter the "Shuri Castle arson '(首 里 城 放火) in the Twitter search box" Shuri Castle

Shame "Shuri Castle Fire of junior high school arson", "criminals" news excerpts attention to the spread, fabrications and hate with no evidence) ま た, い わ ゆ る "foreign ネ ト ウ ヨ" を 中心 に, 外国人 を 犯人 と す る 放火 説 も 流 れ てい る. 世間 の 関心 の 高 い 事件 や 人物 に つ い て ま と め る 「ト レ ン ド ブ ロ グ」 が こ う し た 声 を 取 り 上 げ る こ と で, 偏見 や ヘ イ ト が 拡 散 さ る こ と を 危 惧 す る 声 も あ る. 現在, Google の 検 索 窓 に 「首 里 城"" 放火 」と 入 れ る と," 韓国 人 "" 中国 人 "" 在 日 」と い っ た キ ー ワ ー ド が サ ジ ェ ス ト さ れ て し ま う 状況 だ. in addition, emerging Leading fire protection of criminals foreigners around the so-called" right-wing ". By adopting these voices are clean "trend blog" for the furnishings of the highest event or person of interest also voices concern that the spreading prejudice and hatred. Currently putting the "Shuri Castle '' arson 'into the Google search box" is the Korean situation the keyword "," Chinese "," Japan' ll be automatically completed. In cooler spam, they receive a hot meal tray, hot and cold, the rice

Strategy First is that you take what you want.) So I said offeryour nuances that continue to maintain the current Korea citizens rather than boycott would be to defeat the ambitions that maneuver through a constitutional amendment in Japan. Thus, reporting of some articles of the press stop the Japanese boycott or not to go sightseeing in Japan is not really to judge geotman not know much about Japanese intentions in geotinde eventually becoming as Japan's intentions, people who do not know them well Korea which is quite

Really. Speaking reunion! Performances Ayano Kana US, Mr. Shimomura seedlings Mr. 朝 夏 Manawatu Mr. starred gave a bright story "Watching the a love song 'Angels as if the four authors have sisters gather ~ aversion youngest Amy Yang in a great comfort to meet after a long time all of guts to reverse Mickey gave the talk, thank you! Thank you! you get along from Joshiraku

Opposition media does not exist, unless the student "does not have an anti-government ideology" is being published in the paper the government to prove that not going to college. Such countries are actually economic success. Singapore's population of 5 million people, about the size of Chiba. This may be enough for Japan's politicians bureaucrats, no matter how incompetent the government is possible. Models other than the Chinese model is the fact that there exists close. Is South Korea. South Korea came undergone a long military dictatorship since 1987, democratic citizens as well as the maintenance of democracy on their own forms of economic growth have raised cultural power rapidly. In Japan, GDP per capita is now

Depleted, sentiment sex was "funny thing Taiwan, Okinawa If you go people are going to the wise: Okinawa ~~~~ summer is going to come the winter, we'll continue to see ads appearing in the Japanese yutup. Doetneyo buildings burn center in Okinawa Shuri Castle Fire? 7 mining expert with me jusyeoyo 日 so loved naturalized 美 professor that is the "why eopna only Koreans sildan article" scooping the ㅌㅇㅌ Okinawan schoolgirl somehow seeing haneungeo speech and learn from Okinawa kimono and quite another Okinawan traditional clothes jjokbon common comment - Ongoing news but the fight It should continue ????

[Sarah, 颱風] Summary September 1959 August is hurricane inflicting enormous damage on the Korean peninsula. The average maximum wind speed near the center of one minute per second 85m, the average initial velocity is 45m, the lowest pressure recorded at 952hPa, at that time was the lowest minimum pressure since the weather observations. In particular Gyeongsang left a lot of damage. The property damage of 849 people killed, missing, displaced 373,459 people, a total of 1,900 billion won (currency value basis in 1992) occurred. Body in September 1959 to May 15, occurred in waters of the western Pacific island of Saipan Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands south through the Okinawa [沖繩] a hurricane I was out, dealing massive destruction to the southern peninsula to the 17th day following the East.
